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The Reclaiming Recovery Project is a new research project, led by Star Support and Stonewall Housing 

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We have been supported by the HSE Collective, through their Community Organised Research for Equity fund, to collaboratively lead a piece of research about the communities we support.


Read more about our project with Stonewall Housing below!



As LGBTIQ+ domestic abuse service providers, we're interested in what recovery means to those accessing our services and what they would like our support to look like. The Reclaiming Recovery Project explores how well by-and-for LGBTIQ+ domestic abuse services reflect the needs of our community, working to center and develop services from a survivor perspective of recovery. 


Recent research highlights the clear and urgent need for by-and-for LGBTIQ+ domestic abuse services, with mainstream services often falling short of adequate or accessible support for the queer community (cite). However, while we can see the need for by-and-for services, there is very little research about them, what they are getting right, and what might need improving.  


This research project will involve working collaboratively with LGBTIQ+ survivors who have accessed LGBTIQ+ domestic abuse services, to find out more about their recovery journeys and how well their needs and preferences have been met by by-and-for services. This project will provide insights to develop our support services and offer survivour-informed guidance for the sector more broadly.


If you would like to find out more about this project, feel free to reach out to Lorna (Research Lead),


A bit more about the research team...


Research Lead - Lorna Flutter (she/they), Star Support.


Community Engagement Officer - George Hellings (they/them), Stonewall Housing


Research Consultant - Siobhán McGurik​

Steering Group - Maari Nastari (she/her), CEO of Star Support​ and Steven McIntyre (he/him), CEO of Stonewall Housing



This project is funded and supported by the HSE Collective, through their Community Organised Research for Equity fund




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Illustrations by @carlaecola and @hellomynameiswednesday

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